Ancient Jewellery
Thursday 7th March
Will Rathouse
The programme said that there would be a talk on ancient jewellery by Will Rathouse. Nobody seemed to have a clue what to expect, so it was with an open mind that everyone waited to hear what he had to say.
He began by showing a chart depicting the ages from stone to Roman times, just as background reminders, then he went on to explain how the ore was excavated and eventually how the jewellery was made.
Will wearing the very heavy torque
There were many examples for people to study, replicas of the real thing, rings and pins and one bronze torque was almost too heavy to handle. "How could anyone wear that"? people asked, but Will said that it was a status symbol and if it had been in gold, as it might have been then, it would have weighed even more.
Some examples of the replica jewellery that Will has made
The pins, possibly the forerunners of the modern safety-pin, but much more attractive, were used to pin clothing.
Will demonstrating making a brooch pin
The evening was fascinating and informative and it was finished off with the usual good food and a few giggles.